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中场哨响了. The players trudge to the bench, heads down, shoulders slumped. 士气低落的. I can’t exactly remember the score, but it was ugly. 36-11或者类似的数字. 感觉更像是. 拉鲁什的全场紧逼让他很虚弱, 一点也不放松, 从不让我们在进攻端感到舒服, 他们的快餐快害死我们了. 即使我们有几个人在转换, 他们会保持在五年级, 无论如何,向下坡进攻并完成比赛, 是否有争议. Even when we forced them to play in the half court, they dropped threes like it was nothing. They were fast, athletic, deep, they were shooting well, and they were on their home floor. 拉鲁什在滚动. 斯坦斯特德不可能赢得这场比赛.
Which brings us to the only question that matters: what kind of athlete are you?
Are you going to fold, go fetal, give up when the chips are down? Or are you going to play your hardest no matter what the scoreboard says?


This coach can proudly report that The Question has been answered, i.e. 你的斯巴达人从垫子上爬起来了, ignored the score and played hard the rest of the game. 这并不容易——请记住,这是真的, 真的 硬的,但是红的 & 怀特为自己感到骄傲.

Anyone can answer the bell when things are going great. But it takes real character to square your shoulders and dig deep when things are going 可怕的.

One final question: They say you learn more from 损失 than you do from 赢了. I’m a bit of a math guy, so does that mean the bigger the loss, the more you learn? 数学就是这么算的吗??

本周三我们将再次见到拉鲁什. 让我们来看看.

总记录15 赢了 11 损失      
RSEQ联赛:  5 赢了  4 损失
每场比赛得分31.7     每场得分26.2